
If the goods are damaged, or goods are missing, do not sign for the goods without making an annotation on the consignment note or similar. Regardless when the damage/deficit has been noticed, and even though remarks were made on the consignment note, always send a written notice of loss to the carrier.

In a case of visible damage, the notice of loss shall be made immediately when receiving the goods. In cases of concealed damage:

  • Sea transport at the latest 3 days after receipt
  • Air transport at the latest 14 days after receipt
  • Rail transport at the latest 7 days after receipt
  • Road transport at the latest 7 days after receipt


Notification in case of apparent loss or


Notification in case of not apparent

loss or damage

Period of


Limitation of liability for

loss or damage

1. Carriage by sea

The Hague-Visbye Rules

Upon receipt of goods

3 days

1 year

SDR* 667/package or

SDR 2/kg

2. Carriage by air

The Montreal Convention 1999

Upon receipt of goods

14 days

2 years

SDR 19/kg

3. Carriage by rail

CIM convention

Upon receipt of goods

7 days

1 year

SDR 17/kg

4. Carriage by road

CMR convention

Upon receipt of goods

7 days

1 year

SDR 8,33/kg

5. Nordic Freight Forwarding

NSAB 2015

Upon receipt of goods

7 days

1 year

SDR 8,33/kg